The SCDC Resource Bank is designed to be a living hub of research, best practices, guides and other materials that are thoughtfully collected to identify and reflect the challenges, barriers, needs, and supports for students who are system involved, their parents and families, educators, and other stakeholders who work directly with young people impacted by the child welfare and/or the juvenile/adult justice systems.
Featured Resources
General Resources
Lesson Planning Tools
Special Education & IEPs
Technology & Digital Citizenship
Featured Resources:
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS): Juvenile Justice
By: Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports
Specific examples, lesson plans, webinars, and more are provided for youth specifically involved in the justice system. These include: Education and Treatment of Childrenand Resources for Facility-wide PBIS Implementation in Juvenile Corrections and Residential Settings/Facilities: From Adoption Consideration to Initial Implementation to Sustained Implementation.
Education in the Juvenile Justice System
By: Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)
LEA responsibilities can be found in the following document. Please note that some of the contact information is outdated, but the FAQs starting on page 4 may be useful including the steps the LEA should take if they believe a student has been detained or arrested. Links to the MOAs between OSSE, DCPS, DOC and DYRS are also provided.
BreakFree Education's Daily Lessons
By: BreakFree Education
During the height of the global health emergency, BreakFree Education developed eight weeks of daily lesson guides in English, Social Studies, Math, Science, art, problem solving, and social and emotional learning specifically designed for students who are justice involved. They also provide a guide on how to differentiate the material for certain learners who may be struggling or need additional supports.
General Resources:
OSSE's Educator Resources
By: Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)
This main page provided by OSSE has four different areas for educators to explore: classroom resources, key points of contact, licensure & certification, and professional development.
The professional development section includes offerings in early learning, K-12 education, and health & wellness. Further, there is a section on “Educator Quality and Effectiveness, Teaching & Learning” with some pertinent resources such as an “Equity Toolkit.”
BluePrint for Change: Education Success for Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
By: Legal Center for Youth Justice and Education
"The Blueprint for Change is designed to be a tool for all stakeholders (including youth, parents, educators, lawyers, judges, caseworkers, probation officers, child welfare workers for dual status youth, juvenile justice and education system administrators, state and local agencies, and policy-makers). Stakeholders can use the framework of this Blueprint for Change to identify what they can do to promote educational success for youth in the juvenile justice system in their jurisdiction." There are 10 different goal areas and an extensive list of general resources here.
Practice Kit 06, Education Toolkit
By: DC's Children's Law Center | Updated August 2018
This practice kit contains a lot of information for D.C. and Prince George’s County Schools, including regulations, policies and practices related to enrollment, transportation, attendance and truancy, graduation, special education and more. Browse the main page to find relevant chapters.
Emerging Adult Justice Project (EAJP)
By: Columbia University Justice Lab
The Emerging Adult Justice Project has curated a virtual speaker series that has looked at specialized parole and resentencing laws for emerging adults and through their self-guided “Echoes of Incarceration X EAJP Video Series.”
One specific source is the Specialized Parole and Resentencing Laws Focused on Emerging Adults which highlight's D.C's Incarceration Reducation Amendment Act of 2016 (IRAA). This act provides individuals incarcerated for offenses committed under the age of 18 an opportunity to petition the court for early release.” Page 7 of the report provides more details about the act.
All NCTSN Resources
By: The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN)
NCTSN has developed a resource bank of items (fact sheets, tip sheets, resource guides, webinars, coursework, and more) on child trauma. One can browse the resources by “trauma type,” language, audience (including specifically for child welfare professionals and juvenile justice professionals), and by policy issues.
GTL Center Insights on COVID-19
By: Center on Great Teachers & Leaders at the American Institutes for Research (AIR)
This resource bank is designed for educators, district leaders, and state leaders. Resources can be filtered by specific topics.
Additional materials, such as a webinar series titled: Teaching and Leading in the Time of COVID-19 can be accessed here.
COVID-19's Impact on Student Achievement and Academic Growth in DC
By: EmpowerK12 | December 2020
“EmpowerK12 analyzed assessment results of nearly 30,000 students in DC Public Schools (DCPS) and charter schools, finding that DC students are in a COVID learning slide: DC students have lost four months of learning in math and one month of learning in English language arts. The results are particularly stark for at-risk students, highlighting a growing achievement gap.”
This is a great new resource filled with data specifically about the learning loss for students across the District.
Strategies for Protecting K-12 School Staff from COVID-19
By: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) | Updated January 2021
This is an extensive resource from the CDC designed to encapsulate various staff groups. It also includes a list of mental health resources.
School Mental Health
By: District of Columbia Public Schools (DCPS)
This page outlines additional information on DCPS’ School Mental Health planning, including referral forms which are located at the bottom.
Additional mental health resources, including national level resources, are found here.
Here are 3 Top SEL Strategies that Can Help Improve Student Engagement Right Now
By: EdWeek | December 2020
This article offers a handful of concrete social emotional learning (SEL) strategies to assist educators in keeping their students motivated.
6 Exercises to Get to Know Your Students Better - and Increase their Engagement
By: Edutopia | November 2020
This article shares some activities that educators can use with students during this unusual school year. The activities are designed to establish stronger communication between educators and students and for students to explore their own identities, values and principles. Some examples of the activities include: “laws of life” essays, identity charts, passion blogging, and life documentation.
Understood Resources
Understood’s mission is to connect students with learning and thinking differences to resources, expertise and communities that assist in bolstering confidence. Read more about their mission here. Resources for families, students and educators are provided in various forms (articles, tips, and videos).
Lesson Planning Tools:
Teaching in the Time of COVID-19
By: American Institutes for Research (AIR)
AIR is constantly updating, collecting and expanding their resources for teachers and education staff during the public health emergency. Browse this resource to find information on strengthening teacher quality, resources for teachers and education leaders, survey’s released on teaching and learning during COVID-19, and teacher appreciation.
BreakFree Education's Teacher Resources
By: BreakFree Education
BreakFree Education is providing curriculums for mini units each month that explore various projects, such as speechwriting, journalism, civic engagement and more. Each unit provides teachers resources and guides, and usually concludes with a contest component involved for the students.
Special Education & IEPs:
OSSE's IDEA, Part B Provision of FAPE: Guidance Related to Remote and Blended Learning
By: Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE) | July 2020
"This document contains guidance on LEA responsibilities under Part B of IDEA relating to the provision of FAPE in instances where LEAs are required to close their doors or limit access to buildings because of a local or national emergency and transition to distance or blended learning models. Previously issued guidance related to the provision of IDEA Part B is consolidated throughout and organized consistent with the special education process. This document additionally provides newly issued guidance on procedures related to IDEA Part B, specifically concerning parent training as a related service, telehealth, homebound instruction and optional distance learning, and servings students who are medically fragile."
Improving Outcomes for Youth with Disabilities in Juvenile Corrections: Educational Practices
By: U.S. Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)
A brief (5-page) document that includes resources broken down into three sections: access to a high-quality education, individualized instruction and IDEA compliance. Resources related to engaging parents on this topic can also be found here. More generalized continuity of learning resources and supports for teachers serving students with disabilities can be seen in the following brief.
Youth with Disabilities in Juvenile Corrections (Part 1): Improving Instruction
By: IRIS Center
The IRIS Center provides a 5-part module series on instructional challenges for teachers working with young people in juvenile justice settings. Video tutorials and supplemental materials are provided.
Education Modified Resources
By: Education Modified
Education Modified has free downloadable webinars related to special education and IEPs. A recent webinar they hosted was titled "Progress Monitoring IEP Goals: Now & After COVID-19," which educators may find helpful. Some other interactive tools can be found here.
Learning Differences and Special Needs Guide
By: Common Sense Media
There are six different subjects to choose from (communication, social interaction, organization, reading and writing, math, and motor skills) and each have three different levels to them. Different applications are then provided to best meet the student’s and/or family’s need.
Technology & Digital Citizenship:
Integrating Technology into Correctional Education Settings
By: The National Technical Assistance Center for the Education of Neglected or Delinquent Children and Youth | June 2020
NDTAC hosted a webinar to share examples from different states on their approaches for integrating technology within their secure juvenile and correctional settings. The webinar and associated materials are provided in the dropbox.
Teaching with Tablets: How Do I Integrate with Effective Instruction
By: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) | 2013
Skip to page 40 for a checklist for lesson planning with tablets, which could be helpful for the DC Jail's Inspiring Youth Program (IYP).
Digital Promise's Online Learning Resources
By: Digital Promise
This online resource offers a library of online learning tools that can be filtered by type, grade and subject. All resources are free and meet student privacy criteria. There is also a section on digital resources specifically to support learners with disabilities.
Verizon Innovative Learning Webinars
By: Digital Promise | 2020
Verizon Innovative Learning Schools hosted three webinars on Digital Citizenship, Family Engagement, and Rollout Strategies during COVID-19.
Digital Citizenship Curriculum
By: Common Sense Media
Interactive curriculum and activities specifically tailored for grade levels K-12. Includes the following topic areas: Media Balance & Well-Being; Privacy & Security; Digital Footprint & Identity; Relationships & Communication; Cyberbullying, Digital Drama, & Hate Speech; and News & Media Literacy.
Digital Citizenship
By: NLCC Students
This eight-day lesson plan provides descriptions, resources, personal applications, and discussion to teach the necessary skills for young people to conduct themselves online. Simple resources that can be tailored for specific student groups.